Money Wave Buys soon!
The Following Investments will probably have a Money Wave Buy Signal
(Slow Stochastic Closing > 20) on today’s Close.
We will NOT BUY WMB as it is already up 3 1/2% today, and 4.8% above Support.
We will SELL WPX if it goes back up to $13.25 later today, or in the morning (possible 6.5% gain).
Money Waves Buys soon for AMZN SRPT SYMC YELP .
We will email you when they are ready. WATCH LIST
Many like to buy the day before, if the Investment has not popped up too much.
Money Wave Buys are usually good for a 3-6 % move in a few days.
About 1/3 of the time, the Money Wave Buys will result small losses, so please use a Sell Stop Loss after all Buy orders.
Please follow the Rules below: