Investment Newsletter
#1 Public Site at Stockcharts.com. The Green Line System can help you make more Money in the Stock Market! Are You Able to Keep Up With the Flow of … Continue Reading…
Buy / Sell Strategy
Our investment strategy is simple – it all starts with eliminating emotions on when to buy or sell a security. Just like the financial companies on wall street, we developed a systematic model based on various metrics (e.g. Relative Strength, moving average, etc) to identify securities to purchase and/or sell. [More]
Financial Benefits
There are a number of benefits to investing using our strategy. The key one is we eliminate emotions from the decision on when to buy or sell a security. Too many times people will purchase a security and then get emotionally attached to it and not sell when they should. [More]
Our Competition
Why us? What about the other models? We like to think our strategy is a common sense approach to investing. We only purchase the strongest stocks and then only buy them when specific criteria are met. Additionally our approach can work for both a bull and bear market. [More]