Markets were up slightly today on mild Buying. Only the NASDAQ 100 Index was able to hold above Monday’s Lows, and now it needs to Close above the Pink Line (10-day avg.) before it is safe to Buy. The Selling Volume is drying up. The FEAR will eventually subside, as human emotions are temporary.
The CNN Fear & Green Index is slowly creeping up from 2, to 6 today. It was 95 (SELL) at the Market Top in January.
The Markets are extremely over-sold from FEAR, as the DOW 30 Index is currently 7000 points Below the Green Line (Investments eventually return to their Green Lines).
The higher Volume Leaders are: AAPL AMD MSFT NLOK PLUG VIPS SHOP & TSLA) and should bounce very well when the Markets bottom.
Bonds were up 3 % today.
Crude Oil was up $5.37 today at $25.75.
The Following Investments will probably have a Money Wave Buy Signal soon. (Slow Stochastic Closing > 20) on today’s Close.
BUYS TODAY 3/19/2020
VIPS VIPSHOP HOLDINGS Money Wave Buy today. VIPS will not be logged, as it is already up 10 % today. Maybe try tomorrow around $14.00.
We will “Not Log” trades if the Reward/Risk is not at least 2:1.
Money Wave Buys Signals Soon (Short Term): (Best to Buy these when the S&P 500 is also in the Green Zone.)
“JUMP START” Candidates: (Buy Signal should be very soon… Click on the Jump Start link for more info.)
ENPH ENPHASE ENERGY Relative Strength is Below 90.
AMD ADVANCED MICRO Buy when it Closes above the Pink Line of $42.69 on High Volume. 2nd Money Wave Buy soon.
BLDP BALLARD POWER Buy when it Closes above $8.26 on High Volume.
INO INOVIO PHARMA. Mar 18 Buy if it Closes above $7.85 on High Volume.
MSFT MICROSOFT CORP. Buy when it Closes above the Pink Line of $161.86 on High Volume. 2nd Money Wave Buy soon.
NVDA NVIDIA CORP. Buy when it Closes above $226.10 on High Volume. 2nd Money Wave Buy soon.
PLUG PLUG POWER INC. Buy when it Closes above $3.30 on High Volume.
SHOP SHOPIFY INC. Buy when it Closes above $362.00 on High Volume. 2nd Money Wave Buy soon.
TSLA TESLA INC. 2nd Money Wave Buy soon.
Please be patient and wait for Money Wave Buy Signals. We will email you when they are ready. Click on Watch List.
Emotions are very high now, so please do not Buy unless you are VERY NIMBLE.
The Leaders are Way Above the Green Lines (all Investments eventually return to their Green Lines).
MRNA MODERNA INC. FYI MRNA Hit the Target of $33.00 today (+24.5 %). This trade was not logged.
Click for PORTFOLIO (Open Positions) and adjust your Sell Stops.
NEW! TOP 100 LIST Updated Mar 9, 2020
Many like to Buy the day before, near the Close, if the Money Wave is going to create a Buy Signal (Closing > 20 and out of the Green Zone).
Don’t Buy if the Investment has already popped up too much. Money Wave Buys are usually good for a 3-6 % move in a few days.
We will “Not Log” trades if the Reward/Risk is not at least 2:1.