07/08/2018: Markets were up for the week, but the Large Cap DOW & S&P 500 Indices are not bouncing very well. Stock now have competition from higher Interest Rates and Commodity prices.
The Small Cap Index was able to get back up to the Highs recently. For the week, the Dow rose 0.8%, 2.4% for the Nasdaq and 1.5% for the S&P 500. The Long Term Trend on the Stock Markets is UP.
The Inflation Index (CRB) was down 1.19% but is in a mild Up-Trend.
Bonds were up again for the week and Closed Above the Green Line, which is forecasting Economic weakness.
The US DOLLAR is pulling back down towards the Red Line (50-day avg.)
Crude Oil was down 0.47% for the week at $73.85 after making New Highs at $75.27, and GOLD was up 0.10%.
We are currently in 13 logged Open Positions, for the Short & Medium Term. Most are now in the Yellow or Red Zones, so please have Sell Stops below them. There are 3 Investments on the Short Term Watch List.
Be patient and WAIT for Green Zone Buys!
The Funds below are correcting down to their Green Lines, but the Relative Strength is remaining high. These tend to Bounce nicely when the weekly Money Wave crosses up > 20.
FCAU FIAT CHRYSLER Wait for weekly Close Above the Red Line of $20.66 (50-day avg.)
IBKR INTERACTIVE BROKERS Wait for Weekly Money Wave Close > 20.
INTC INTEL CORP. Wait for Weekly Money Wave Close > 20.
IOVA IOVANCE BIOTHERA. Wait for Daily Close Above $14.10.
SCCO SOUTHERN COPPER Wait for weekly Close Above the Red Line of $48.93 (50-day avg.)
SPLK SPLUNK INC. Wait for Weekly Money Wave Close > 20.
VALE VALE DO RIO Wait for weekly Close Above the Red Line of $48.93 (50-day avg.)
VLO VALERO ENERGY Wait for Weekly Money Wave Close > 20.
Click for Portfolio (Open Positions)
Click for Watch List
Click for Closed Positions
Alert! Market Risk is Medium (Yellow Zone). The probability of successful Short Term Trades is higher, when the S&P 500 is down near the Green Line.
Tell your Friends about the Green Line, and Help Animals.
QUESTION: Ray writes “How do I find a Chart on the Portfolio of stocks?
Thanks, Ray.”
ANSWER: Please click on the Portfolio Link of each email.
The click on the Green Symbol of the Investment (ex. URBN for Daily Chart) , and Green Round Circle (for the 60-min Chart).
Good trading, and tell your friends!