Markets were mixed again today as the Indices are over-bought for the Short Term. The Markets are very frustrating now as the Buying is poor, but most investors won’t Sell from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Many are happy to stay fully invested until the FED cuts back on Printing.
So the Indices are near Highs, but 1/2 of the Stocks are now below their 50-day averages. This is historically not healthy…The weaker DOW 30 Index and the Small Caps need to make New Highs soon for this rally to continue.
Many of the Leaders are quickly back up in the Red Zones (probably too late to Buy for the Short Term). Please WAIT for more Green Zone Buys soon. Smart Money is not Buying much up here on the Highs (low Volume).
NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Markets are Way Above the Green Lines. That is when new investors LOSE Money. Please WAIT for the Volume to improve. The low Volume recently has WARNED us against Buying much at this time. The better trades happen when the S&P 500 Index is also in the Green Zone.
ETF SECTOR ROTATION SYSTEM END OF 2ND QUARTER – All 5 Positions will be Sold today on the Close, and then 20 % will be allocated to each of these 5 Funds at the Opening tomorrow (July 1st): XLF (Financial), XLE (Energy), SLV (Silver), IWM (Small Caps), & XLI (Industrial). Or you can simply SWAP EEM for XLI.
More adds today on DAY TRADING SETUPS
Bonds were up today, but are below the Green Line.
Crude Oil was up $0.56 today at $73.54.
BUYS TODAY 6/30/2021
GBR NEW CONCEPT ENERGY Money Wave Buy today but GBR will not be bought or logged as it is already up 6 % today.
We will “Not Log” trades if the Reward/Risk is not at least 2:1, or Low Volume. These have more risk.
JUMP START SCROLLING CHARTS: (Buy Signal should be very soon… Click on the Jump Start link for more info.)
BB BLACKBERRY LTD. Buy above the Pink Line around $12.78 with High Volume with a 5% Trailing Sell Stop Loss below it.
CVE CENOVUS ENERGY INC. Buy above the Pink Line around $9.70 with High Volume with a 5% Trailing Sell Stop Loss below it.
MMAT META MATERIALS INC. Wait for Money Wave Close > 20 with High Volume.
UONE URBAN ONE INC. Buy above $10.77 with High Volume with a 5% Trailing Sell Stop Loss below it.
F FORD MOTOR CO. Wait for Money Wave Close > 20 with High Volume. (2nd Buy signal soon).
UAVS AGEAGLE AERIAL SYSTEMS Buy above $6.70 with High Volume with a 5% Trailing Sell Stop Loss below it.
XLE ENERGY OIL FUND Wait for Money Wave Close > 20 with High Volume.
Please be patient and wait for Money Wave Buy Signals. We will email you when they are ready. Follow on the WATCH LIST.
Emotions are very high now, so please do not Buy unless you are VERY NIMBLE.
The Leaders are Way Above the Green Lines (all Investments eventually return to their Green Lines).
BNTX BIONTECH SE EXIT if it is going to Close below the Pink Line around $225.57. This trade was not logged.
BTX BROOKLYN IMMUMO EXIT if it is going to Close below the Pink Line around $17.71. This trade was not logged.
DBC COMMODITY FUND Target was Hit at $19.25 for a 2.1 % Gain. This trade was not logged.
HTZGQ HERTZ GROUP HOLDINGS EXIT if it is going to Close below your Buy Price, or $8.85. This trade was not logged
Click for CURRENT POSITION CHARTS – Real Time (Please check and adjust your Sell Stops).
TOP 100 LIST Updated Jun 2, 2021
Many like to Buy the day before, near the Close, if the Money Wave is going to create a Buy Signal (Closing > 20 and out of the Green Zone).
Don’t Buy if the Investment has already popped up too much. Money Wave Buys are usually good for a 3-6 % move in a few days.
We will “Not Log” trades if the Reward/Risk is not at least 2:1, or Low Volume. These have more risk.
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