Stock signals are a way of using technical indicators to analyze the price movements and trends of stocks. Technical indicators are mathematical calculations based on historical data, such as price and volume, that can help traders identify potential entry and exit points for their trades. Some of the most common technical indicators are moving averages, oscillators, trend lines, and chart patterns. Above the Green Line employs all of those and more to identify potential trading opportunities. Basically, Above the Green Line does the hard work for you – filtering, scanning stocks to identify potential entry and exit points for trades. We communicate with our members using various means – social media including, discord, twitter to name a few plus also sending alerts via emails and/or text. Our Watchlists which are updated daily are posted for our Green Liners in our Discord community and on our website.
Buy/Sell Alert
Stock buy alerts are notifications that inform you when a stock meets certain criteria that indicate a potential opportunity to buy or sell. Below is a sample Buy Alert notification that Above the Green Line posted. The notification was posted on the website along with the various social media sites.
With all of our notifications Above the Green Line highly advises our members to use Stop-Loss and Buy-Limit orders when trading. The purpose of a stop-loss order is to limit the potential loss on a security position that makes an unfavorable move. A stop-loss order is an order placed with a broker to sell a security when it reaches a certain price, which is usually lower than the current market price. By using a stop-loss order, an investor can protect their capital and avoid holding on to a losing position for too long. A stop-loss order can also make trading easier, as the investor does not need to monitor the market constantly or make emotional decisions. A stop-loss order can be set as a fixed amount, a percentage, or based on technical indicators such as support levels or moving averages.
ATGL WatchList
A stock watchlist is a list of stocks that one monitors for potential trading or investing opportunities. Above the Green Line creates our watchlist based on our criteria, such as price, volume, sector, and other technical indicators. Key indicators on the ATGL Watchlist include:
- Stock Symbol
- Last Price
- Company Size
- SCTR Ranking
- Links to Daily and 60 Minute Charts
- Color Indicator to denote Gain / Loss
- Comments on when to take action – updated regularly
Below is a sample of the ATGL Swing Trade Watchlist.
Trade Alert Notification
Notifications are posted on our Discord channel immediately when triggered based price and volume metrics. Below is a sample DISCORD notification.