06/16/2019: Markets were up slightly for the week, after last week’s big 4.5 % bounce off the Green Lines. Later this week the Markets are expecting the FED to talk about the Economy having a period of slower growth, and the Fed Futures are pointing to an 80% chance of a July Rate cut.
The Volatility Index (VIX) settled down with the major Indices this week, but its closing value of 15.28 is still well above its pre-correction levels, signaling continued uncertainty.
For the week the Dow was up 0.41%, the S&P 500 was up 0.47%, and the Nasdaq 100 was up 0.88%. The very Long Term Trend on the Stock Markets is UP.
The Inflation Index (CRB) was up 0.23% and is Below the Green Line, indicating Economic Weakness.
Bonds were down 0.21% for the week and are Way Above the Green Line, indicating Economic Weakness.
The US DOLLAR was up 1.04% and is over-bought and almost near a 3 year High.
Crude Oil was down 2.74% for the week at $52.51, and GOLD was down 0.21% at $1345.
2019-06-05 CGC Canopy Growth Corp. $40.83 2019-06-14 $41.18 $0.35 0.86%
2019-06-04 DIS Walt Disney Co. $134.82 2019-06-14 $141.65 $6.83 5.07%
2019-05-31 EDU New Oriental Ed. $85.65 2019-06-10 $89.44 $3.79 4.42%
2019-06-05 SE Sea Limited, Inc. $29.23 2019-06-10 $30.80 $1.57 5.37%
2019-06-04 XLP Consumer Fund $56.82 2019-06-10 $58.65 $1.83 3.22%
We are currently in 5 logged Open Positions, for the Short & Medium Term. There are 7 Investments on the Short Term Watch List.
Be patient and WAIT for Green Zone Buy Signals!
Buy the Leading Investments that are down near the weekly Green Zones.
CRON CRONOS GROUP Wait for the next Daily Money Wave Buy Signal.
DXCM DEXCOM INC. Shot up 17.5% this week on Good News … Taking it off the list.
LLY ELI LILLY & CO. Buy when it is going to Close above the Red Line of $117.19.
NVTA INVITAE CORP. Buy when it is going to Close above the Red Line of $19.91.
VMW VMWARE INC. Buy when it is going to Close above the Red Line of $188.44.
XLNX XILINX INC. Buy when it is going to Close above the Red Line of $112.20.
Click for Portfolio (Open Positions)
Click for Watch List
Click for Closed Positions
Alert! Market Risk is MEDIUM (Yellow Zone). The probability of successful Short Term Trades is better, when the % of stocks above the 50-day avg. is below 20.
Tell your Friends about the Green Line, and Help Animals
QUESTION: Jerry S. writes “How do I know when to Sell?”
ANSWER: Hi Jerry. Please follow the Rules for Selling below based on the Time Frame that you want to be in the Investment:
- Short Term: Sell when it Closes below the 10-day avg.
- Medium Term: Sell when it Closes below the 50-day avg.
- Long Term: Sell when it Closes below the Green Line (250-day avg).
Or Follow the PORTFOLIO (please click) on your daily emails.
Good trading, and tell your friends!