07/19/2020 Markets were up again for the week as the S&P 500 Index is well into a “W” pattern off the Red Line (50-day avg.), and it made it back up to the June Highs. Now the S&P 500 needs to exceed the June Highs for this rally up to continue. The CNN Fear & Greed Index is back up to 63. Inflation could be starting up as Silver and Copper are close to breaking out, along with Gold.
The very Strongest Leaders had some mild profit taking this week, but will normally go up again until they Double Top or Fail to make Higher Highs. A Double Top would tell us that there is a lack of Buyers Way Above the Green Line. Then they would normally pull back down near the Red Lines (50-day averages) like they always do. Most Investors don’t have the patience or discipline to WAIT for AAPL ADBE AMZN DOCU NFLX NVDA PYPL QQQ SHOP TSLA TWLO & ZS to correct back down to the Green Zones.
We will WAIT on the Leaders to pull-back instead of buying weaker Investments, even if they meet the Green Line Rules.
The Watch List is growing with Leaders as they return to the Green Zones for Money Wave Buy Signals.
For the week the Dow was up 2.35%, the S&P 500 was up 1.30%, and the Nasdaq 100 was down 1.72%. The Long Term Trend for the Indices is up.
The Inflation Index (CRB) was down 0.49% and is Below the Green Line, indicating Economic Weakness.
Bonds were up 0.27% for the week and are Above the Green Line, indicating Economic Weakness.
The US DOLLAR was down 0.69 % for the week and is Below the Green Line.
Crude Oil was up 0.49% for the week at $40.75 and GOLD was up 0.45% at $1810.00, a New High.
We are currently in 1 logged Current Positions, for the Short & Medium Term. There are 12 Investments on the Short Term Watch List.
Be patient and WAIT for Green Zone Buy Signals!
LONG TERM INVESTMENTS (Most of the Leaders are back up in the Weekly Red Zones.)
Buy the Leading Investments that are down near the Weekly Green Zones.
AUY YAMANA GOLD Buy if it Closes above $5.73 on High Volume. All time High is $18.50.
GPRO GOPRO INC. Buy if it Closes above $5.79 on High Volume. All time High s $98.00.
IOVA IOVANCE BIO. Wait for the next Daily Money Wave Buy.
KIRK KIRKLAND’S INC. Wait for the next Daily Money Wave Buy. All time High s $29.50.
NG NOVA GOLD RESOURCES Buy if it Closes above the Red Line on High Volume. All time High s $16.00.
RRC RANGE RESOURCES CORP. Buy if it Closes above $7.14 on High Volume. All time High is $92.45.
Click for Current Positions
Click for Watch List
Click for Closed Positions
Dividend Growth Portfolio (we are now posting a Dividend Calendar for the entire portfolio to assist with planning purposes).
ETF Sector Rotation System – New Quarterly Rotation was on June 30 & July 1, 2020.
Long Term Strategy for IRAs & 401k Plans
Alert! Market Risk is HIGH (Red Zone). The probability of successful Short Term Trades is better, when the % of stocks above the 50-day avg. is below 20.
Tell your Friends about the Green Line, and Help Animals
QUESTION: Alberto writes “AGL: Little question: what does the green dot on the portfolios holdings mean? Thank you.”
ANSWER: Hi Roberto, please click on the Symbol Link for a Daily Chart, and on the Green Dot to see the 60-min Chart of the Investment.
Good trading, and tell your friends!