It looks like the Markets are not going to correct until Apple completes its Melt Up (opposite of Melt Down). Mutual Funds are panic buying Apple 26% Above the Green Line!
The S&P 500 & DOW finally slipped below the Pink Lines (10-day avg.) but not much selling yet. The Strongest Leaders (Techs & NASDAQ 100) bounced off the Pink Lines, and need to make New Highs for the rally to continue. The DOW, NYSE & Transport Indices have still not made it back up to the March Highs.
The Reward / Risk ratio of investing now is poor, so please do not Buy unless you are VERY NIMBLE, as the Leaders are still Way Above the Green Lines.
Money Wave Buys soon!
The Following Investments will probably have a Money Wave Buy Signal
(Slow Stochastic Closing > 20) on today’s Close.
BUYS TODAY: PAH PLATFORM SPECIALTY Maybe Money Wave Buy today (never happened yesterday). We will not log, as the Volume is low.
Money Wave Buy Signals soon: CNHI CNH INDUSTRIAL, EWP SPAIN FUND, SAN SANTANDER BANK, SCSS SELECT COMFORT. We will email you when they are ready. Click on WatchList
SELLS TODAY: Consider taking an 8% profit if you bought CARA CARA THERA. It might make a Lower High this time up.
Click for PORTFOLIO (Open Positions)
Many like to Buy the day before, near the Close, if the Money Wave is going to create a Buy Signal (Closing > 20).
Don’t Buy if the Investment has already popped up too much. Money Wave Buys are usually good for a 3-6 % move in a few days.
About 1/3 of the time, the Money Wave Buys will result small losses, so please use a Sell Stop Loss after all Buys.
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