Markets were mixed today on low pre-holiday Volume. The Indices now need to make Higher Highs soon for the rally to continue. There are not many Buyers around with the July 4th Holiday coming on Thursday.
Bonds are back on Highs, but are Way Above the Green Line.
Please be patient and WAIT for the Money Wave Buy signals below.
Crude Oil was down $2.06 today at $57.03. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Following Investments will probably have a Money Wave Buy Signal soon.
(Slow Stochastic Closing > 20) on today’s Close.
BUYS TODAY 7/02/2019
ROKU ROKU INC. Medium Term Buy. Target is $107.00. EXIT if it is going to Close Below the Support of $87.34.
CIEN CIENA CORP. Money Wave Buy today. CIEN will not be logged as the Volume is way below average.
XLRE REAL ESTATE FUND Money Wave Buy today. XLRE will not be logged as the Reward / Risk does not look like it will be 2:1.
XLU UTILITIES FUND Money Wave Buy today. XLU will not be logged as the Volume is way below average.
Money Wave Buys Signals Soon: (Best to Buy these when the S&P 500 is also in the Green Zone.)
GBTC GRAYSCALE BITCOIN TRUST Money Wave must Close in the Green Zone.
SNAP SNAP, INC. Money Wave must Close in the Green Zone.
TWLO TWILIO Buy when it is going to Close above the Pink Line of $139.25.
Please be patient and wait for Money Wave Buy Signals. We will email you when they are ready. Click on Watch List.
Emotions are very high now, so please do not Buy unless you are VERY NIMBLE. The Leaders are Way Above the Green Lines (all Investments eventually return to their Green Lines).
EXIT ZNGA ZYNGA INC. on the Close today, or have a tight Sell Stop Loss below it to capture a quick 4% Gain.
Check PORTFOLIO (Open Positions) and adjust your Sell Stops.
Many like to Buy the day before, near the Close, if the Money Wave is going to create a Buy Signal (Closing > 20).
Don’t Buy if the Investment has already popped up too much. Money Wave Buys are usually good for a 3-6 % move in a few days.
We will “Not Log” trades if the Reward/Risk is not at least 2:1.