Markets “Gapped Up” today, as the Leading DOW Index, and the Tech Fund bounced up off their Red Lines (50-day avgs.)
The weaker Investments that fell below their Red Lines are not doing as well. The S&P 500 is trying to Close above its Red Line of 2446.
Try to Buy Investments that can Hold above their Red Lines.
Crude Oil is up today at $47.80 / barrel.
Money Wave Buys soon!
The Following Investments will probably have a Money Wave Buy Signal
(Slow Stochastic Closing > 20) on today’s Close.
FB FACEBOOK INC Money Wave Buy today. Place Sell Stop Loses below $165.82 on the Close.
IPI INTREPID POTASH Money Wave Buy today for the Long Term Portfolio. Place Sell Stop below the Green Line of $2.40 on weekly Close.
FGEN FIBROGEN INC Money Wave Buy today. We will not log FGEN, as the Volume is low.
EWP SPAIN FUND Money Wave Buy today. We will not log EWP, as the Volume is very low.
JD JD.COM Money Wave Buy today. We will not log JD, as it is still below the Red Line.
VRTX VERTEX PHARM Money Wave Buy today. We will not log VRTX, as it is already up 4% today.
We will “Not Log” trades if the Reward/Risk is not at least 2:1.
Money Wave Buys soon for: HRB H&R BLOCK, RH RESTORATION HARDWARE, & SQ SQUARE INC. We will email you when they are ready. Click on WatchList
Emotions are very high now, so please do not Buy unless you are VERY NIMBLE. The Leaders are still Way Above the Green Lines (all Investments eventually return to their Green Lines).
PORTFOLIO (Open Positions)
Many like to Buy the day before, near the Close, if the Money Wave is going to create a Buy Signal (Closing > 20).
Don’t Buy if the Investment has already popped up too much. Money Wave Buys are usually good for a 3-6 % move in a few days. We will “Not Log” trades if the Reward/Risk is not at least 2:1.